Thursday, April 20, 2017

Idiocracy (2005 Film)  and My View on the World’s Future

     10 years from now I feel like my future specifically will be at a wonderful point where I could travel, have a good job and family. Regarding society in some areas I believe that society and the community has the potential to expand and improve, and solve many problems and make things better. In other areas things might take a turn for the worst as we don’t know exactly what could happen, for which there is no time travel. 10 years from now I hope Earth’s inhabitants will come together in mutual respect with each other in regards to taking care of man kind and the Earth’s life cycle. Many people I believe currently are starting to think more on what’s good for them than what’s good for all of us and Earth. In retrospect, again, we don’t know for sure what will happen, but someday I know things will eventually come to an end whether we like it or not.

     In the year 2050, 33 years from now, I believe I will be in a good point in life where I’m excelling at my job doing art and expanding the art world, already possiblely a grandparent, still married, and exploring the world and changing it step by step. Regarding the community of Earth I would agree that in my mind possible invention of “flying cars”, better way of saving gas, electric cars, a more advanced way of using technology.

     100 years later, many years from now, the world will start to take a big turn. The world will become more dependent on the facts of people than “reliable” research on the internet. Important events might become less relevant as things that don’t matter become more relevant. Flying cars might definitely be in the works. Television will become more virtual reality and also game entertainment. Movies today would become “old” and “classic”. Fashion will be more ahead than ever as clothing will be more stylized, colorful, and definitely strangely weird. Voice automation will be used widely in restaurant ordering, dine-in’s, wardrobe changing, television channeling. Lastly food will be more accessible to us such as having a microwave that expands the size of food to save available space! Therefore, again, years and years from now will still never know but it’s nice to know what could happen, and it could if Earth’s people attempt to make an effort in improving an expanding their minds to help the world!

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